
Now it is time for a big throwdown! The best website overall! There are many great websites in this world but now it is time for you just to pick one of those few millions as yor favirote. First, lets look at the biggest top competators. We have the big named Twitter.com which is just like a micro-blogging website where you update your followers of what your doing in your everyday life, so this is a pretty good website for you to check out. Next we have the to major social networking websites, Facebook, and Myspace. Both are very good websites but out of those two like in my last post the winner out of them is Facebook. And now... The moment you have all been waiting for has come. The best website out there (Imo)... YOUTUBE! This is a great website because there are tons of hilarous awesome videos out there, and there are some very good informitave ones to, and some videos that address some major problems in our world. So for me the best website is twitter but I would like to here what you have to say about it. Just post your comments down below this post and be sure to tell your friends about this blog also :D.
p.s. I now am doing book critiquing on a seprate website called thebirdtheworm.webs.com check it out the first book review will be there the 25th I believe.
Well cya!